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Hello everyone,
I am        Tuong Phan


About Me

My name is Tuong Phan from Vietnam. I am an honors student at Suffolk University, Boston, MA majoring in Marketing. Currently, I am expected to graduate bachelor's degree in Spring 2023.


What I have accomplished

Minor Stock Analyst,

SFC Group Vietnam

April 2020 - September 2020

Participating in SFC Group as a minor stock analyst, I was able to approach and investigate the new model of financial investment in my home country. It is a split-step that prepares me for a further career path.

Core Faculty, KIDS Vietnam (NPO)

May 2018 - January 2020

Being a core faculty at KIDS Vietnam helps me acknowledge the importance of education and charity. We wrote extracurricular lectures and transmitted the charity presents from the donors to ethnic minorities children in highland Nam Tra My, Quang Nam, Vietnam. We are proud of being the intermediation that shares the happiness from us and donors to the poor-backgrounded kids in Vietnam.

Founder, Leader, Friends To Town Organization

July 2020 - Present

Friends To Town organization targets to provide more opportunities to read books for middle school students in Tien Giang province, Vietnam. We collect and gather good books from great authors in either Vietnamese or English. Our organization believes it would be the best way besides education to generate a well-deserved inheriting generation.


Educational History

Learning and Living

Bui Thi Xuan High School,

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

September 2016 - May 2017

Studied at Bui Thi Xuan High School is a great experience. The origin of competition stimulates me to spend more effort daily. It helps me become better by day and always keep ahead up in conquering challenges.

Matignon High School, Cambridge, MA

September 2017 - May 2019

Being a student at Matignon High School had countless experiences that developed me internally and externally. I am thankful to Matignon for having more friends in the corners of the world.

Bachelor, Suffolk University, Boston MA

Fall 2019 - Present

Participating in the Suffolk community is one of the greatest parts of my life. Suffolk University maximizes potential and stimulates my passion for studying Marketing. Suffolk guides me to the bright future that I have desired for a long time.


My Skillset

English Fluency


Microsoft Office


Project Management


Data Analysis






Public Speaking



Skilled Photographer

"Dreams don't work unless you do"

John C. Maxwell

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